


Refractive cataract surgery is a type of treatment that addresses cataracts in our patients, removing them effectively. Additionally, this treatment can also tackle eye issues such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Our doctors perform this procedure by removing the cloudy cataract lens and replacing it with an artificial lens that reduces or eliminates cataracts. Prior to treatment, our patients undergo comprehensive preoperative examinations and tests. This allows our doctors to determine the type and degree of our patients’ eye conditions, refractive errors, and the size of their cataracts. Following a detailed examination by our doctors, an artificial lens (intraocular lens or IOL) is selected to meet each patient’s specific needs.


Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) treatment is a surgical procedure performed by our expert doctors aimed at treating vision defects that occur in our patients due to age-related factors. In this treatment, our doctors use an artificial lens to correct the defects in the natural lens of our patients. We generally recommend this treatment to our patients before cataracts develop. However, we also perform this treatment for some patients due to age-related defects. RLE treatment resembles cataract surgery. However, in this treatment, we replace the natural lens of our patients with an artificial lens without waiting for cataract development. Additionally, with this treatment, we correct defects such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism in our patients and provide them with clear vision.


Laser-Assisted Intraocular Surgery is a treatment procedure performed by our expert doctors. With this treatment, laser technology is utilized in eye surgery. Our doctors typically apply this treatment to patients in need of cataract surgery and refractive surgery. The use of lasers allows surgical procedures to be performed on our patients more precisely and effectively. Through laser technology, our doctors have the opportunity to intervene in tissues in a more controlled and predictable manner. Additionally, the use of lasers enables a less invasive approach, thereby accelerating the recovery process for our patients.

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